It is constructed to be interactive to promote young researchers and their careers. In such way there will be more global technologies. The concept offers a platform and wider spread than only using your personal network. You will in addition get access to leadership development.
Empiriworld is a network that is active via LinkedIn and Facebook. It has no e-mail list and does not need to use resources to handle that. That makes IW-Global more resource efficient, and we can minimize cost for registration. The IW-Global concept is intended for young researchers to facilitate network building and promote career. By being an organizer, you will be visible and build leader portfolio.
The IW-Global Workshop Series concept and EmpiriWorld were created by Mikael Syväjärvi, ICM Research Institute | Alminica AB, Sweden.
He is a researcher, entrepreneur, bridge builder, innovation ecosystem developer, transfer of knowledge to the young generation, mentor and adviser to deeptech start-ups from research.
Dr Mikael Syväjärvi is active in research regarding growth of advanced materials since 1995, such as graphene on silicon carbide, and novel approaches of silicon carbide for new energy applications. Since 2005 Dr Syväjärvi is active in the entrepreneurial discovery process by creating startups and technology transfer from research and innovation. He has experience from broader contexts for research to market, such as avenues in European research and innovation strategy for smart specialisation for regional economic growth, and strategic national innovation programmes. He is active in global partnerships for promoting impact from research, educating next generation research leaders, and establishing value chains as tool to contribute to sustainable development goals using energy and environmental technologies from advanced materials.
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